23-23 August 2023

The Science of ADHD: Navigating Neurodiversity in a Neurotypical World

Tickets: From €14


Ticket Pricing
Early Bird: €14.00
Early Bird for 2: €24.00
VIP Reserved Seating: €22.50
General Release €16.00
General Release for 2 €31.00
Final Release €18.50

Show Time: 5:30pm & 8pm (Duration 90 mins)

Join us for this engaging talk about ADHD, led by biomedical scientist and science communicator, Dr. James Brown, exploring the neuroscience, symptoms, the positives, the struggles + much more. Followed by Q+A.

A simple scroll through Instagram or TikTok and you’ll be left questioning: do I have ADHD? The rise in ADHD in adults is undeniable. But only over the last decade has ADHD been formally recognised in the UK. It has been suggested that about 1.5 million adults in the UK have ADHD but only 120,000 have been diagnosed. Waiting times to access an adult ADHD specialist clinic in the NHS can be up to 2 years or more. It’s hard to find support and help.

From dopamine dips, hits and myths, how ADHD can present differently in women than men, and the neuroscience of neurodiversity; this talk is designed to give you an increased awareness and understanding of an ADHD brain. It will include advice and tips on how to navigate a neurotypical world as a neurodivergent person.

This talk will also highlight how society is demanding change. People are increasingly recognising and accepting neurodiversity and self-defining as neurodivergent. Surely, it’s time for the world to alter neurotypical societal standards as they are fast becoming outdated.

Testimonials from audience members:

⭐ Seed Talks created a friendly and inclusive atmosphere, it was a really wonderful experience. Thank you Seed Talks for facilitating such a powerful and important platform. 100% recommend you check out a Seed Talk near you! -Anna F.

⭐ The evening was brilliant. It was thorough, engaging and informative. I thought he handled the questions from the audience at the end very well and always circled back to what he’d already covered. Bravo. -Becky P.

⭐ Brilliant well paced talks for us ND folks. -Christine K.


Please do not hesitate to contact us at access@projectartscentre.ie or call 01 8819 613. You can find the latest information about Project’s accessibility here.


Dr James Brown is a biomedical scientist and science communicator. James was diagnosed with ADHD in 2021, and subsequently co-founded the registered UK charity ADHDadultUK, the evidence-based online ADHD magazine focusmag.uk and The ADHD Adults podcast. James also coaches adults with ADHD and provides institutional training on ADHD and neurodivergent conditions. Alongside this, James works as Communications Director for Psychiatry-UK, the country’s leading adult ADHD service.


Project Arts Centre is proudly supported by The Arts Council and Dublin City Council.

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