18-18 December 2023

The Cure for Cancer

Tickets: FREE, ticketed
Show Time: 4pm (duration: 70mins)

In Argentina, a scientist navigates life via algorithms, much like us all. One day, the algorithm steers her on a quest for love and the Cure for Cancer. A journey through science, romance, public fundings, guinea pigs, peripheral economies, radical vegans and the unpredictable twists of digital destiny.


Cast: Brian Bennett, Fiona Breen, Shane Connolly and Fionnuala Gygax

Space designer: Leonardo Massari

Playwright and director: Gabriel Graves

Special thanks to: Ginna Álvarez, Norman Briski, Leigh Hussey, Katherine Murphy, Niamh O’Donnell, Richard Walsh


Gabriel Graves is a Playwright, Director, Arts Critic, Professor of Playwriting and Dramatic Arts. He has staged more than 20 of his plays in the independent, commercial and official circuits of Argentina.”The Cure for Cancer” is his first play to be presented in Ireland.


This play’s text received the Fundación arteVivo award and was a finalist for the Todos los tiempos award.


This work-in-progress received an Agility Award for its realization. Also, it received strategic and financial help from Project Arts Centre, Irish Theatre Institute and the Fringe Festival.

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