Make my event more accessible
There are numerous barriers to accessing the arts and we want artists and companies making work at Project to explore the solutions at application and planning stages. Even if you are working with a very tight budget there are many things you can do that don’t incur a cost, and it’s worth considering
To ensure access and inclusion for all, we have put together this helpful guide so that you can think about what points of access would be appropriate for your show and what costs will need to be added to your budget when applying for funding. We do not expect all of your performances to be accessible, as this would be an unrealistic cost.
Building your audience
There are specific individuals and organisations that can help you build an audience for accessible performances if they are specific to a particular area of disability. This needs to be considered at an early stage in order to maximise capacity for your show. Please get in contact with our Head of Project Potential Cathy Coughlan at once you have decided on a point of access, so that you can reach the appropriate audience. Cathy is also available to discuss your options, or if you have any further questions.
Some points of access will require an interpreter and some will not. Project will book and coordinate an interpreter when one is needed — but this cost will need to be included in your budget.