Ó Liath go Glas – Louis Haugh in collaboration with RADE Community Ó Liath go Glas, (From grey to green), was a community project emerging from 2022’s Rhizome Green Arts project. Louis Haugh worked with the community at RADE through a series of workshops that activated under-used concrete space through regenerative greening. Through this process the project reflected on and considered the history of formal gardening as a history of colonialism, bringing focus back to the indigenous cultures where many of our common plants originate from.
Centered around an invitation of hospitality, the longterm aim of these collaborative projects, is to connect members of neighbouring communities by activating outdoor spaces through art, ecology, and education.
RADE is an organisation that aims to engage drug users through the arts and therapeutic supports and provide a platform for their artistic expression.

Filmed and edited by Arcade Films.
Commissioned by Project Arts Centre.
Project Arts Centre is supported by the Arts Council of Ireland and Dublin City Council.