Is scéal faoi briseadh suas agus briseadh síos cumarsáide é Dúirt Tú. Bhíomar ag smaoineamh ar cúpla, tá sise ón Oileán, tá eisean ón cathair. D’fhág sé an oileán agus tá sé ag iarraidh dul I dteaghmháil leí arís. Fásann an brú agus téann sé isteach i mbrionglóid aisteach. Is scannán é seo a leanann ón obair a rinneamar ar Chléire i 2019. Bhíomar ag smaoineamh ar an gcodarsnacht idir cathair Baile Átha Chliath agus síochán an oileán, go háirithe le linn an aimsir seo. Tá an ceol scríoftha chun atmaisféar an fharraige agus spéir ghlan ar Chléire a spreagadh in intinn an lucht féachanna. Táimid ag úsáid an Ghaeilge mar meafar chun an chumarsáid briste a chur i bhfeidhm.
Dúirt Tú (you said) is the story of a break-up and a breakdown in communication. Two former partners are divided by distance. One wishes to reconnect, the other refuses to answer the call. Structured in the style of a fever dream, the film explores ideas around reconciliation and coercion, love and control. In creating this piece, we were thinking about the contrast between Dublin city and the peacefulness of Cape Clear, especially at the moment. Our use of the Irish language is guttural and instinctive; an abstraction of broken communication and how that can manifest in relationships. The music is written to evoke the atmosphere of the sea, while the movement has been inspired by the jagged corners of a city on edge.
A film by Zoe Ní Riordáin and Shaun Dunne.
Produced by One Two One Two.
Featuring: Mufutau Yusuf and Maud Lee.
Director of Photography and editor: Luca Truffarelli.
Music: One Two One Two.
Commissioned by Project Arts Centre and Oileán Festival.
With support from Dublin City Council, Oileán AiR, Comharchumann Chléire, Ealaín na Gaeltachta agus Foras Na Gaeilge.