Big Blue Badge
At Project Arts Centre we are having an ongoing conversation with people who have a lived experience of disability, and/or chronic illness, as we try to improve access throughout all areas of the organisation.
The Big Blue Badge is a personalized access pass and booking system that we are aiming to pilot in 2023. We are looking for 20 people, who are familiar with Project and what we offer, to be the first Big Blue Badge recipients, as we roll out this new initiative.
We know there are people who experience barriers to our programme, and barriers within our building. Some of you may not publicly identify as having a disability and may not have contacted us before regarding access. We want to do our best to make sure that your requirements are met quickly and discreetly, and that your experience with us is easy.
Your involvement will start with a consultation either through email, in person or over the phone, to identify your requirements.
To get started, contact the Head of Project Potential, Cathy Coughlan, by emailing or by contacting our box office team on 01 881 9613 to request a callback.
You can also register your interest by filling out our online form, click here to access the form.
We would be grateful if you’d pass this information along to anyone who may not be on our social media pages.
Thank you.
Image Description: The image is a blue circular graphic. In the centre of the circle are the words Big Blue Badge. The Project Arts Centre logo replaces the dot, on top of the I, within the word BIG.