Special Event / 27-28 July 2011


Tickets: €100
Show Time: 10pm-6pm

Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin
By Project Arts Centre & D.A.T.A 2.0
Want to stay ahead of the Game?
First you need to know the rules and how to break them.
To investigate play, Make and Do in collaboration with Project Arts Centre and D.A.T.A 2.0 @ the Science Gallery will host a two day investigation into performance, technology and play.
In an increasingly digitised world, where do we look for meaning and how do we express this? How do we as artists, performers and urban play designers respond to and express these changes? What happens when the space that we work in is constantly shifting? Who are the players and what game are we really playing?
To help answer these questions, Make and Do have invited international artists Duncan Speakman and Peter Petralia from Proto-type to lead workshops in locative play, urban and digital games and interactive performance. We will also include talks with interesting digital artists working in Dublin who we believe are pushing the boundaries of human interaction with technology.
The workshops are aimed at professional theatre-makers, live performers, digital artists and game designers/creators who wish to explore the boundaries of live performance, technology, and interactive games.
Venue: Science Gallery, Trinity College Dublin.
Price: 2 days 100 Euro (includes entry to DATA talk on the 28th)
How to apply:
To apply for a place on the workshop, please send a short biog/one page CV and a few lines telling us why you would like to take part. Send your info to hilaryos (at) aol.com or call 087 9443776.
Duncan Speakman is a Bristol based artist who creates work that physically and emotionally engages audiences in public spaces. He employs walking as both a process and/or outcome in the work. In recent years he has created pre-recorded audio walks, generative GPS-based experiences, live performance using locative media content, and games for public spaces. Duncan was involved in the creation of the hugely successful iphone game, Papa Sangre.
Find out more about Duncan on his website.
Dr. Peter S Petralia is a producer, director, writer, curator and artistic director of Proto-type Theater. With Proto-type, he has written over a dozen full-length performance works that have premiered in New York City, North Carolina, the United Kingdom, Romania and Amsterdam. Peter is Senior Lecturer in Drama and Theatre in the Department of Contemporary Arts at MMU Cheshire. Find out more about Proto-type on their website.

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